Zero to 5K: A Coach’s Guide to Building a Successful Online Coaching Business

Jan 17, 2024 | Blog

Are you an aspiring coach dreaming of turning your passion into a profitable online coaching business? I’m here to guide you through a proven step-by-step process to skyrocket your coaching business from zero to £5,000 a month in less than 90 days. This isn’t just theory; it’s a practical roadmap tailored for today’s market, especially for those starting with no followers or funds.

Step 1: Crafting Your High-Ticket Offer

The foundation of a successful coaching business is your offer. It’s crucial to define your niche, understand your audience, and set your program apart. Aim for a high-ticket offer, but ensure it aligns with your experience and provides immense value. A four-month program priced around £250 per month is a sweet spot, allowing you to work closely with clients without overcharging.

Step 2: Developing a Strategic Content Plan

Once your offer is in place, focus on building an audience through engaging and valuable content. Choose the right platforms where your target audience hangs out, be it Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, or LinkedIn. Your content should entertain, educate, and provide social proof. Aim to grow your followers by about 300 per month, targeting a total of 1,000 to ensure a wide enough audience for your services.

Step 3: Direct Marketing Strategy

Direct marketing is key in the initial stages. Engage with your audience through direct messages and build genuine connections. This approach is hands-on and requires dedication, but it’s crucial for rapid growth.

Step 4: Creating a Video Sales Letter (VSL)

A VSL is a powerful tool to connect with potential clients. It should narrate a transformation journey, either yours or a client’s, highlighting the challenges, the process, and the successful outcome. This 10-minute video will build trust and showcase the value of your program.

Step 5: Building a Sales Funnel

Your sales funnel should include an application form to capture essential client information and a thank you page that addresses common objections. Use tools like Google Forms for the application process and ClickFunnels for the thank you page. Follow up with every lead and confirm calls to ensure a high show-up rate.

Going Turbo: Securing Sales

With everything in place, focus on securing sales. You’ll need to book around 12 calls to close five sales, considering a 50% closing rate and an 80% show-up rate. Dedicate around 24 hours a month to direct outreach and aim to gain 1,000 followers for a robust potential client base.

Free Resources for Your Journey

To support your journey, I’m offering free resources, including a diet planner, a training plan template, and an in-depth offer builder training. These tools will help you deliver exceptional coaching and refine your offer for maximum impact.


Building a successful online coaching business from scratch is challenging but entirely achievable with the right strategy and tools. By following these steps and utilising the provided resources, you’re well on your way to hitting that £5,000 a month goal. Remember, it’s about providing value, understanding your audience, and being proactive in your marketing efforts. Good luck on your journey to becoming a successful online coach!