
Welcome to Fitness Business Uni

This is the hub where fitness coaching and business expertise merge to give you the tools you need to double the growth of your business.

If you’ve landed here, you may be wondering what Fitness Business Uni is all about.

In short, we’re the firestarter for Personal Trainers who aspire to not only lead in the gym but also in the business world.

Who knows there’s more money to be made, who want to scale their business and are serious about it.

Whether you’ve just stumbled upon us (lucky you!) or have been looking for a sign to elevate your coaching career, you’re in the right place.

Discover the Fitness Business Uni

Fitness Business Uni isn’t just a program; it’s a revolution in the fitness industry.

It’s the bridge between the raw passion of seasoned Personal Trainers and the savvy business insight that transforms them into successful entrepreneurs. For new coaches, it’s a gateway to a lucrative career, packed with vital business wisdom that goes far beyond basic Business 101. It’s about learning the essential skills they don’t teach you at school or on your PT course.

Fitness Business Uni teaches you how to amplify your impact and help more people, coaching in a scalable way that doesn’t sacrifice quality.

It’s about leveraging your time, expanding your reach and multiplying your income without burning out.

We’ll show you how to build systems that allow you to manage more clients than ever before—without compromising the personalised touch that sets you apart.

Our roots are firmly planted in real-life success stories, and we are dedicated to creating many more.

Will yours be next?

Meet Stephen McGrath,

CEO of Fitness Business Uni

His story is not just a testament to overcoming adversity; it’s a blueprint for all aspiring fitness entrepreneurs. Stephen helps PTs go online, hit 10k a month, then scale to an online company.

A message from Stephen:

Hey coach,

I started my business five years ago. It was literally because people kept asking me for advice and I couldn’t really turn down the opportunity to help someone change their life like I had.

Five years ago I was living at my mum’s, £15000 in debt and barely able to walk.

Now I’m the CEO of the fastest-growing fitness business program in the UK, we’ve helped over 50 coaches break consistent 10k months in their business and set the standards for levels of support and community within the industry.

Fitness Business Uni is the next step in this journey. It’s going to allow the business to grow beyond me and my personal achievements.

You can leverage a group of industry leaders in their fields who have the expertise to solve any puzzle a coach might face in business.

The hardest-working coaching team I’ve ever seen. Ensuring every client gets the level of care and attention they deserve.

A sales and marketing team that simply out gun everyone else and lets us live rent-free in so many people’s heads that they start crying instead of trying to keep up.

I believe every good coach in this industry should have a business they love, that allows them to live an amazing life but that also generates the profit they deserve for devoting their life to this profession.

Fitness Business Uni is a vehicle that can be bigger than me, better than me and can change the view of the industry at a foundational level.

I’m excited for the ride. Will you join us?


Ant Middleton at the Fitness Business Uni's June Event

Since joining the FBU program I've had Loads of big wins from the level of coaching. I'm getting clients better results so they're happy and I'm happy I've bought back a lot of time due to the systems that I've put in place which I learned on the program. My level of coaching has gone up a significant amount since joining the program which is great and on top of that my level of marketing has also gone up my content is a lot better I've gained over 100,000 followers with the skills and tools I learned on the FBU program. Join a program like this improve your business have a better quality of life and stop being a little.

Karl O'Rourke

With FBU they teach you and help you how to put all those systems in place so you've got monthly revenue coming in without worrying that clients are leaving. Every month the difference this has made to my life is unbelievable. I've just had my biggest month which was 8K and I've gone from working like 40 hours a week on the gym floor to five and everything else is online.

Zoe Calaway

So far I'm seeing a massive Improvement in my coaching skills I am keeping super engaged with all my clients it's just really helping that retention also I feel like I've really homed in on skills such as my sales skill which I knew was a big flaw. If you're on the fence about joining FBU and you're feeling super stuck in your business not sure what direction to take feeling really overwhelmed and stressed like I was I would say jump on it! They are with you all the way you have all the resources there and whenever you've got a question someone's there to answer. 

Becky Jones

Joining FBU was the fact that I see them do it over and over again with different coaches and Ste himself has already been there and done that even when I joined. The program's been basically perfect from start to finish all expectations were managed early on and my coach Charlotte. I’m attending the right calls to make sure I'm driving my business forward they made it about my business not just business in general.

Charlie Neild

Fitness Business Uni's Speakers at Event with Ant Middleton

At Fitness Business Uni, we’re not just coaches; we’re your partners in success. Our methods are tried and true:

– Average clients see a return on their investment within 60 days.

– After six months, the average client enjoys a monthly recurring income of £7,000.


Why Choose Fitness Business Uni

Why us? Because we understand the grind. We’ve been there. Turned the trials into triumphs and are committed to helping you do the same. No one who walks through our doors and commits a full year with us walks away making less than £50,000.

That’s our standard, but the real goal is to lift you above it. Are you ready?


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