What Apps Do You Need To Start An Online Fitness Business?

Jan 17, 2024 | Blog

Starting an online coaching business can be an exciting yet daunting venture, especially when it comes to managing costs and resources effectively. As a new coach, you don’t need expensive software or high-end technology to begin. Instead, focusing on essential, cost-effective tools can streamline your process and enhance your coaching services. In this blog, we’ll explore the fundamental tools every online coach should consider to efficiently manage their business.

1. Stripe: Simplifying Payments

Stripe is a payment processing platform ideal for managing monthly client payments. It allows you to set up subscription-based payments, ensuring a consistent cash flow and reducing the hassle of chasing invoices. The small processing fee is a worthwhile trade-off for the time and potential missed payments it saves.

2. Google Sheets: Versatile and Accessible

Google Sheets is a free, versatile tool for creating training and nutrition templates. It’s a practical alternative to paid training software, especially when working with a limited number of clients. You can access ready-made templates, making it easier to deliver personalized coaching plans without any additional cost.

3. Google Forms: Efficient Data Collection

Google Forms is an essential tool for collecting client information. It’s useful for creating application forms, program assessments, and regular check-ins. This free tool helps you gather and organize client data, enabling you to tailor your programs effectively and track client progress.

4. Calendly and Zoom: Scheduling and Communication

Calendly, a scheduling software, integrated with Zoom, a video conferencing tool, makes client interactions seamless. Calendly helps clients book coaching or sales calls with you, sending automatic reminders to reduce no-shows. Zoom facilitates face-to-face interactions, crucial for building rapport and conducting effective sales calls. Both tools are free for basic use and are invaluable for maintaining client relationships.

5. WhatsApp: Simple Client Communication

For direct communication with clients, WhatsApp is a practical and universally accessible option. It allows for easy text and voice messaging, making it straightforward to check in with clients and provide support. Until your client base grows significantly, WhatsApp can efficiently handle your communication needs without any additional cost.


Starting your online coaching business doesn’t require a hefty investment in software and technology. By utilizing these essential tools, you can effectively manage your clients, streamline your processes, and grow your business without breaking the bank. Remember, the key to successful online coaching lies in the value you provide, not the fanciness of your tools.