How To Sell Online Personal Training On Instagram

Jan 17, 2024 | Blog

Direct messaging (DM) is a powerful tool in the digital business landscape, but it’s often misunderstood or misused. Many entrepreneurs struggle with how to start conversations and build relationships without coming across as intrusive or salesy. In this blog, we’ll explore a 10-step process to effectively use DMs for building genuine connections and guiding potential clients towards your services.

Step 1: Focus on Warm Leads

Begin by engaging with warm leads – people who already follow you on social media and are familiar with your content. This approach increases responsiveness and sets the stage for more meaningful interactions.

Step 2: Opening the Conversation

Start conversations with something personal yet appropriate. Comment on shared interests, mutual connections, or something you’ve noticed on their profile. Avoid topics that might seem too forward or irrelevant.

Step 3: The ‘This or That’ Question

Early in the conversation, ask a simple ‘this or that’ question. It’s an easy way for the other person to engage without feeling overwhelmed. This step is about keeping the conversation light and approachable.

Step 4: Identify Their Goal

Gradually steer the conversation towards understanding their goals. This step is crucial for identifying how you can potentially help them.

Step 5: Create a Gap

Once you know their goals, discuss their current situation to identify a ‘gap’ between where they are and where they want to be. This gap represents the potential value you can offer.

Step 6: Provide Value

Offer insights or advice related to their goals and struggles. This step is about showcasing your expertise and the potential value of your services, without overtly selling anything.

Step 7: Present Your Offer

After providing value, if the conversation naturally progresses, introduce your offer. This could be a free consultation call or a trial of your service. Ensure it feels like a natural extension of the conversation.

Step 8: Confirm the Next Steps

If they’re interested in your offer, guide them through the next steps. Whether it’s filling out a form or scheduling a call, make the process as seamless as possible.

Step 9: Exit with Personality

End the conversation on a light note. Use humor or a personal touch to leave a positive impression. This step is about making sure the interaction ends as pleasantly as it began.

Step 10: Follow-Up and Re-Engage

Not every conversation will lead to immediate business, but that’s okay. Keep track of your leads and periodically re-engage them with relevant content or offers. Persistence and consistency are key.


Effective DM strategy is about more than just making a sale; it’s about building relationships and trust. By following these 10 steps, you can turn your DMs into a powerful tool for connecting with potential clients and growing your business. Remember, the goal is to move people through these stages at their own pace, providing value at each step. With patience and the right approach, your DM efforts can yield significant results.