How I went from £25K in in debt to £1.5 million – my story

Jan 17, 2024 | Blog

Hello, I’m Ste McGrath, and I want to share with you my incredible journey. It’s a story of transformation, from being £20,000 in debt, unable to walk, and jobless, to building a personal training empire with a turnover of £1.5 million in just three years. This journey wasn’t just about financial gain; it was a testament to resilience, determination, and the unwavering belief in oneself.

The Early Struggles

My story begins in a deprived area of North Manchester, a place where poverty wasn’t just a word, but a daily reality for many. Fortunately, my family wasn’t in the worst of situations, thanks to my parents’ hard work. My dad worked on driveways and playgrounds, while my mum was a teaching assistant. I was the first in my family to attend university, a milestone that filled us with pride.

The Turning Point

University was a time of exploration for me. I started with chemistry but soon switched to sports science, driven by my growing interest in sports and fitness. I worked as a lifeguard and a personal trainer during this time, earning quite well for my age. However, after university, I became a physics teacher, a decision influenced by the perceived stability and benefits of the profession. But I quickly realized that the financial and personal costs were too high for the rewards.

Facing Adversity

My life took a dramatic turn when my dad was diagnosed with bowel cancer. I picked up personal training again to support my family financially. However, the school where I taught gave me an ultimatum – to choose between teaching and personal training. With my family’s needs in mind, I chose the latter and embarked on my personal training business journey.

A Setback and a Leap of Faith

The path wasn’t smooth. An accident in the gym resulted in both of my patellar tendons snapping, a devastating injury that questioned my future in personal training. During my recovery, I accumulated £20,000 in debt, trying to keep afloat. It was a dark time, but I knew I had to make a change. I invested the last of my resources, £5,000, into a business course, a decision that marked the beginning of my turnaround.

The Road to Success

The course paid off. Within two weeks, I had made back my investment. I worked tirelessly, often starting my day at 4 am. My dedication started to bear fruit. In the first six months, my business hit £50K, and I managed to clear all my debts. I lived frugally, reinvesting everything back into the business.

Scaling Up

The business grew exponentially. I focused on branding, expanding my team, and diversifying my services. When the pandemic hit, my business was well-positioned to capitalize on the shift to online training. We swept the market, thanks to our established systems and industry leadership.

Enjoying the Fruits of Labor

As the business stabilized, I began to enjoy life more. I traveled, upgraded my lifestyle, and indulged in some of my dreams, like owning luxury cars. But more importantly, I was able to support my family in ways I never thought possible.

Giving Back and Looking Forward

The success of my business led me to start a business agency, helping other personal trainers achieve their dreams. It’s not just about the money; it’s about changing lives, just like mine was changed. I’m now dedicated to sharing my knowledge and experience, helping others build profitable businesses in the fitness industry.

A Message of Hope and Determination

My journey is a message of hope. It shows that no matter where you start or the challenges you face, with hard work, belief, and the right guidance, you can achieve incredible things. I’m living proof that from the depths of debt and despair, you can rise to heights you never imagined.

So, if you’re out there, struggling and doubting, remember my story. It’s not just about becoming a millionaire; it’s about transforming your life and the lives of those around you. Keep pushing, keep believing, and who knows, your story might be the next to inspire the world.